Visita guidata dell'Acetaia Comunale di Modena

A partir de EUR 2

Visita guidata  all'acetaia Comunale di Modena

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A partir de EUR 2

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The Municipality of Modena, in 2003, wanted to pay homage to Traditional Balsamic Vinegar by starting, with the skilful collaboration of the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar Consortium, an acetaia that houses three "Batterie": two smaller ones, with six barrels each, which have took its names from the Secchia and Panaro rivers and one with ten barrels dedicated to the Ghirlandina Tower. The Acetaia, located in the attic of the Palazzo Comunale, also houses three large barrique barrels, the 100 and 200 liter mother barrels that are used to fill in the smaller casks and which have taken the name of "Rezdore", and various objects related to vinegar culture, including some tragni, the traditional glazed terracotta pots to store vinegar. 
The guided tour lasts 45 minutes and is in Italian.

Points forts

Duration of the visit: 45 minutes

Language of the guided tour: Italian

Safe tour: the visit takes place in small groups of maximum 20 people. It is necessary to wear the mask and use the sanitizing gel at the entrance to the Acetaia

Reservation required.
Booking procedure: It is possible to book online on this site
Alternatively, you can contact the Tourist Information and Reception Office in Piazza Grande 14 Modena; tel. 0592032660
Reservations will be accepted until all available places are exhausted