JDENTALCARE TRAINING CENTER - via Dino Campana, 2, 41123 Modena MO
Live surgery 1 – 22 giugno – ore: 8:30-12:30
Live surgery 2 – 22 giugno – ore: 13:30-17:30
Take part to pterygoid, trans-sinus and zygomatic live surgeries. Take the opportunity to learn how to solve challenging cases in the atrophic maxilla with the Maxilla-For-All® treatment concept.
You will have the possibility to attend an immediate loading full arch rehabilitation surgery on live with sedated patient. During all surgery’ phases, Dr. Tommaso Grand will explain you, step by step, the way to organize and realize a successfully live surgery using the the Maxilla-For-All® treatment concept. Maxilla-For-All® is an innovative treatment that combines the use of pterygoid, nasal, and zygomatic implants to rehabilitate 100% of cases of severe atrophy in the maxilla. It is able to significantly reduce the invasiveness and time of surgery compared to traditional regenerative techniques.
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